Implementing Session Timeout within Flask

Implementing the timeout Scattered across the internet are a few examples that are no longer valid in 2021, when implementing Flask web apps in Python. This is a short example to show something working in 2021. See the following code that uses the @app.before_request function to implement the session timeout: import datetime from flask import Flask, session, g from datetime import timedelta from flask_login import current_user app = Flask(__name__) @app.before_request def before_request(): session....

July 6, 2021 · 3 min · Me

Protecting Cryptocurrency Custodians and Asset exchanges using the Deep Secure iX

Using the Deep Secure iX to protect Crypto Custodians and Asset Exchanges Over the past 5 years or so, the legitimatisation of the Cryptocurrency market has become ever more prominent. As the market has ‘hit the mainstream’, multiple Banks, financial institutions and crypto exchanges have increased their interest and capital in crypto. As the market slowly matures, so does the need for better and more effective security solutions. Whilst banks and financial institutions have had multiple decades to refine their cyber security posture, the cryptocurrency market has not had that luxury....

June 26, 2021 · 5 min · Me

Sending audio data from Raspberry Pi to InfluxDB and visualising using Grafana

Summary In this blog post I’m going to show you how you can grab a live data feed from ReSpeaker on Raspberry Pi, put that into influxDB and then finally query and visualise the data using Grafana. Setting up ReSpeaker on the Raspberry Pi Having just picked up a brand new ReSpeaker 4 mic array I needed to try it out: ReSpeaker 4 mic array for Raspberry Pi Having followed this helpful tutorial I managed to install the drivers required for the connectivity via the GPIO pins on the Pi....

April 28, 2021 · 5 min · Me

Amazon Workspaces Vulnerability [Mitigated May 2020]

Summary Amazon Workspaces was incorrectly interpreting an AWS managed policy which resulted in allowing a read-only permission user to hijack a legitimate workspace. The attacker could force a password reset to the new account and compromise that particular Amazon Workspace, even though the credentials for the account only had read only access. AWS have mitigated the vulnerability, and this post is a quick summarization of the events leading to the patch....

June 24, 2020 · 4 min · Me

September Cryptocurrency News

September Cryptocurrency News With fraud and attacks heading towards an all time high within the cryptocurrency markets [1], September marks the beginning of the Christmas surge for attacks on everyday consumers. This article provides a round up of general cryptocurrency news the past month. We start with the US Treasury sanctioning the cryptocurrency exchange SUEX for aiding ransomware developers [2]. SUEX is a Russian, invitation only platform. Large transactions could be completed physically within their offices in Moscow, which is a departure from the usual online only service that exchanges usually offer....

3 min · Me